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- 陈绮贞 - After 17 00:00:19
- Carlos Niño & Friends - Pleasewakeupalittlefaster please . . . 00:03:03
- Feist - The Limit To Your Love 00:06:32
- Erland Cooper, Benge - First of the Tide 00:10:45
- Chilly Gonzales - Daft Punk Medley 00:14:04
- Daft Punk ft. Paul Williams - Touch 00:17:31
- Three Dog Night - An Old Fashioned Love Song 00:25:42
- Mac DeMarco - One More Love Song 00:29:11
- 范晓萱 - 最好的爱煞人武器 00:32:33
- Marianne Faithfull, Warren Ellis - She Walks iin Beauty 00:36:58
- Nick Cave - Cosmic Dancer 00:39:19
- Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross - LIFE ON MARS? 00:45:11
- David Bowie - 刹那天地 00:48:01
- 蛋堡 ft. JABBERLOOP - 她和时间跳华尔滋 00:51:47
- Koop - Waltz for Koop 01:02:00
- Carpenters - We've Only Just Begun 01:05:03
- Secret of Elements, Mischa Blanos - A Last Waltz 01:08:02
- Nils Frahm - Says 01:11:03
- Radiohead - Everything in Its Right Place (Live in France) 01:19:09
- Arr. David le Page - Pyramid Song 01:25:49
- Scott Walker - It's Raining Today 01:30:05
- Doors - The End 01:33:57
- Comet Is Coming - Because The End Is Really The Beginning 01:44:02
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